The International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association Logo

is a Brussels-based international non profit association composed of WALA, Weleda, Laverana, PRIMAVERA, LOGOCOS, and CEP. They are committed to promoting and protecting natural and organic cosmetics globally. NATRUE considers its position as an representative body that advocates for the protection and promotion of true natural and organic cosmetics. The main goal is to effectively combat greenwashing and misleading claims, while simultaneously setting and building strict requirements for organic cosmetics within their formulations and packages. NATRUE also guarantees independent certification to support sustainable innovations and responsible consumption.


NATRUE’s label is a guarantee of transparency and reliability for shoppers to easily identify truly sustainable products, as well as keeping greenwashing off the shelves. More than 6,500 beauty products on the market today are NATRUE certified, and each go through an external and impartial certification process. 


LEARN MORE: The International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association




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