strives to connect and inspire conscious consumers from around the world by certifying sustainable wine companies or farms. Established in 1995, SWNZ has become a world-renowned leader for promoting and certifying sustainable practices in the wine industry. Today, over 90% of the wine produced in New Zealand is processed by SWNZ certified facilities. SWNZ’s holistic approach enables them to certify all parts of the production chain, from vineyards and wineries to bottling facilities and wine brands.
The program has a meticulous certification process that certifies all parts of the production process, from its starts at the vineyards and wineries to its finishing stages at the bottling facilities. Businesses that have achieved the SWNZ certifications are still subjected to regular on-site audits and annual submissions of their practices and supply chains. In the certification process, SWNZ focuses on six main areas: Soil, Water, Plant Protection, Waste, People and Climate Change. All vineyards certified under SWNZ must also provide a full list of any agrichemical applications they make to their farms throughout the season. This ensures that all certified clients continuously remain transparent and continuously hold themselves accountable for their sustainability goals and initiatives.
LEARN MORE: Sustainable Winegrowing NZ Certification