
Rahua – Sustainable Amazon Beauty


Grace Robinson        November 5, 2020

A beauty secret shared from the Indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest inspired Fabian Lliguin and Anna Ayers to create Rahua.

The sustainable Amazon beauty line began when Fabian Lliguin, renowned hair stylist and environmentalist, combined his two passions into an eco-friendly brand. Upon visiting the Amazon Rainforest in an endeavor to educate the Indigenous people of their land rights, Fabian was amazed by the beautiful, strong and lustrous hair of the women he saw. He soon learned of Rahua Oil, the natural ingredient that the Quechua-Shuar tribe had relied upon for years to nourish their skin and hair.  He took this oil back to his salon in New York City and found it instantly transformed his clients’ damaged hair. This discovery would lead to the creation of Rahua, a sustainable rainforest grown beauty brand derived from the Rahua plant in the Amazon. Rahua offers nourishing and transformative cruelty-free beauty products while building the economy of these Indigenous tribes.


Anna Ayers, Fabian’s wife, grew up in the countryside of Georgia, and followed her passion for fashion and art by attending Savannah College of Art and Design. Anna joined Fabian’s newfound project with her appreciation for the environment and eye for design. Working closely with the people of the Amazon, Fabian and Anna began crafting their product line in 2008 and employing more than 500 families from Quechua-Shuar and neighboring tribes to help cultivate ingredients. Rahua’s sustainable Amazon grown beauty products are made from Symbiotic ingredients which are grown in undisturbed forests and purchased at an above fair price. Rahua is dedicated to creating products that nourish our skin and hair while helping shape a self-sustained economy for the Indigenous communities whose wisdom led to the brand’s production.


Q & A WITH Fabian Lliguin and Anna Ayers

Mood of Living: Where did you grow up? What was your background prior to Rahua?

Fabian Lliguin: Puerto Bolivar, Ecuador. Hair Stylist, Colorist, Environmentalist

Anna Ayers: Northeast Georgia, USA. Fashion Designer, Trend forecaster, Environmentalist

MoL: How has environmentalism been an important focus in your lives?

FL: Environmentalism is important to clean the air that we breathe.

AA: The therapeutic and revitalizing benefits of Nature are great. Environmentalism preserves Nature and allows for more people to connect and develop an appreciation of Nature.

MoL: Where did you meet?

FL: We met in my New York City hair salon.

AA: On my journey to find the perfect hair stylist and colorist in New York City the road led me to Fabian’s salon.

MoL: What led you to create Rahua together?  How did you learn about the Rahua oils?

FL: Intense feelings to preserve the rainforest, the Indigenous tribes and their culture. During my travels to the rainforest on an environmental mission I saw the women there with their beautiful strong, long hair applying an oil to their hair. It was then that they told me of the many powers of Rahua oil.

AA: When I learned that Rahua must grow wild in the forest and is made through handmade traditional methods the idea for a product that is not only sustainable, but regenerative would be a perfect starting point to uplift standards in the beauty industry and preserve the Amazon Rainforest. I first learned of Rahua oil when Fabian prepared a treatment for my hair and scalp. As an immediate result my scalp was refreshed and soothed and my hair felt plumper and stronger and looked shinier and healthier.

Families relaxing in nature together.

MoL: What is Rahua oil and how is it produced? What are the benefits of using it?

FL: Rahua seeds are grown wild in virgin rainforest deep in the Amazon. Rahua oil is a Symbiotic ingredient that is handmade by women using ancient ancestral wisdom.

AA: Due to the special way it is prepared Rahua oil has a very fine molecular weight that allows oil to penetrate into porous areas of the hair. The benefits are many! Hair gets stronger and healthier, color treatments last longer, hair has a lustrous shine. Scalp is balanced and fortified. Skin is balanced and glows.

MoL: How did you approach sharing the Amazonian’s oil with the greater public in a respectful way?

FL: Our approach is with high respect to the origin. Sharing and educating the world about the potent, restorative properties of Amazonian plants and ceremonially made ingredients; while maintaining the tribes’ methodology and preserving and defending the intellectual property.

AA: The goal is to honor plants and their source and honor and preserve Indigenous wisdom.

MoL: What social-environmental initiatives are you implementing into your business model that are helping the Amazonians and the rest of our world?

FL: Defending intellectual property, ancestral land rights and providing legal tools to help the Indigenous communities obtain the title property to their land.

AA: By strengthening and providing these tools to the Indigenous communities they will remain strong as the guardians of the Rainforest. And for the world; they are protecting veteran trees that in turn are defending the oxygen supply for the world, offsetting CO2 emissions for thousands of people and protecting vital biodiversity.

MoL: How has working in the hair industry changed since implementing these practices and oils into your products?

FL: Hair stylists and colorists are healthier with less allergies and well-moisturized hands!

AA : Salons are more health-conscious and are actively seeking organic, plant-derived products for themselves and their customers.

MoL: Rahua uses “Symbiotic” ingredients, which “transcend the common labels of fair trade and organic”. Can you elaborate on what this label indicates, and how these ingredients help create sustainable products?

FL: A Symbiotic ingredient is grown wild in undisturbed virgin forests, harvest and prepared using Indigenous knowledge by people Indigenous to the virgin forest environment. And Symbiotic ingredients are purchased at an above fair price to build economies and empower the Indigenous people.

AA: For the Symbiotic (wild) ingredients its purity and its support for the Indigenous communities is incalculable as they nurture the Amazon rainforest and encourage carbon sequestration which maintains the natural equilibrium of the forest. Benefiting the world’s future as well as benefiting end users’ hair, scalp, skin and not to forget the important benefits to the waterways (rivers, lakes and oceans) which are left without any side effects as the conventional (chemical ingredients) may present.

MoL: Where do you manufacture your products? Does your manufacturing process align with sustainability?

FL: We make our products in the USA at USDA approved facilities. Every ingredient is vetted and goes through many checkpoints Our processes must be aligned with our environmental efforts and overall mission.

AA: We look and constantly relook for more efficiencies throughout the manufacturing process and seek quality all along.

Branding of Rahua, a sustainable amazon beauty company.

MoL: What is your advice for those who wish to start a beauty brand? What challenges can be associated with branding products that come from Indigenous communities?

FL: Be authentic, respect Indigenous culture and processes even if you do not understand. Pay well and protect them, their land and their families.

 AA: Create with purpose and make giving back part of your business. Respect Indigenous culture and approach with open heart and open mind.

MoL: How has your brand continued to develop over time while keeping a formula that has stayed consistent for thousands of years?

FL: Our development continues as a result of staying true to our mission.

AA: We honor the purity and special origin of Rahua oil and constantly are re-inspired by the many gifts that each plant brings and look for how we can incorporate them into our plant-power, performance driven beauty products.

MoL: How have your lifestyles changed since learning more about sustainability and preservation during this journey?

FL: We use less, we use more quality more durability in all aspect, work, personal and business.

AA: Our work is our life and we love it. Our work is for the future health of our world and I am more and more grateful each day for the opportunity to connect the world to Mother Nature with our product experience.

Photography courtesy of Rahua

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