MADE SAFE Certification Logo

certified products are guaranteed to be nontoxic and made without the use of any harmful chemicals. MADE SAFE certifies personal care items, household products, cleaning products and furniture. Using their comprehensive “Ecosystem Approach,” a third party reviews product materials and functionality.

The certification begins with a screening against MADE SAFE’s Banned / Restricted List of over 6,500 harmful substances. The screening checks for any carcinogens, toxins, heavy metals, toxic solvents, harmful VOCs, and numerous other dangerous materials. The next step requires manufacturing transparency and disclosure of each substance and process involved in formulation. Using a hazard-based approach, chemicals are considered guilty until proven innocent, employing more restrictive regulations as compared to the traditional toxicological framework.

In order for a product to gain certification, it must pass the entire screening process. The MADE SAFE seal indicates that all substances in a product have not been found to be harmful to humans, soil, sediment, air, water, aquatic or terrestrial life. Thus, the MADE SAFE seal protects both humans and the ecosystem in consumer goods.






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