indicates that wine products are made with 100% organic certified grapes. Before wine may be sold as organic, the growing of grapes and their conversion to wine must be certified organic. Organic grapes must be grown in a manner that protects the environment and preserves the soil, without the use of synthetic fertilizers. Ultimately, organic wine prohibits the use of any harmful substances or genetic engineering.
To check these standards, ingredients undergo the same requirements of all USDA organic certified products. This sort of certification differs from other organic wine certifications, as the wines that are “made with organic grapes” are allowed to contain up to 100 ppm sulfites, but 100% of the grapes used are organic. Because of this, these wines are also more popular with forward-thinking quality wine brands. Yet, the “Made With Organic Grapes” label differs from the USDA Organic seal and they do not denote the same exact alcohol qualities. In order to search for wines made with 100% certified organic grapes, a consumer must search for the words “Made with organic grapes” or “Made with organically grown grapes” on the label.
LEARN MORE: Made With Organic Grapes