Leaping Bunny Program Logo

is a certification program operated by the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics that can be found in both Canadian and American beauty brands. Created in 1996, Leaping Bunny’s mission is to guide conscious and compassionate consumers to cruelty-free brands and products that can be 100% trusted, using its Corporate Standard of Compassion for Animals. The certification program prioritizes animal welfare above all else; therefore, every single brand that achieves their mark has provided concrete evidence of cruelty-free procedures and policies in their workplace environments. The purchasing of ingredients, formulations or products form third-party suppliers who use animal testing is strictly prohibited among certified companies. Also, certified companies must commit to absolutely zero animal testing at all stages of product development, as well as annually recommitting to the program and receiving third party audits.


Leaping Bunny has created an online Shopping Guide and their own Cruelty-Free App, which both allow customers to research products by brand and store.


LEARN MORE: Leaping Bunny Program | Shopping Guide




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