is a program that specializes in certifying organic and sustainable textiles, typically in the fashion and home industries. This certification system utilizes a holistic approach when assessing the organic status of a product’s textiles. GOTS meticulously investigates all steps of the item’s production process, from the harvesting of the raw materials to the details of the manufacturing, and even labeling, stages of production. All GOTS certified raw materials are verified to be farmed without the presence of any GMO’s, artificial fertilizers or agro-chemicals.
To purchase a GOTS-certified product is to purchase a product that has been ethically sourced and sustainably manufactured throughout each step of the production process. Today, GOTS has become one of the most well-known and widely accepted international textile certifications, connecting major markets across the world by guaranteeing environmentally, economically and socially responsible products. Consumers may utilize the site’s Certified Suppliers Database to find GOTS certified entities, or the GOTS Shop Finder to find specific products.
LEARN MORE: Global Organic Textile Standard