labels guarantee that a product supports sustainable forestry. The FSC is a large advocate for encouraging sustainability pertaining to forest management, highlighting practices such as forest conservation and forest restoration. FSC labels may be found on furniture and paper products, as well as clothing, books, sports equipment, art supplies, and tires. Label certification focuses on solutions in responsible sourcing, conservation and restoration.
FSC awards three different labels supporting responsible forestry: FSC 100%, FSC Recycled and FSC Mix. FSC 100% ensures that all materials come from responsibly-managed forests. FSC Recycled verifies that a product is made from solely recycled materials, reducing the pressure to overharvest trees. Lastly, FSC Mix indicates that a product is made from a mixture of materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled materials, and/or FSC-controlled wood. In order to qualify for an FSC certification, a business must fulfill all ten principles of the FSC criteria, demonstrating ethical workers’ rights and employment conditions, positive community engagement, efficient and sustainable management planning, and high environmental conservation values as well.
LEARN MORE: Forest Stewardship Council Label