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is an American organization that specializes in certifying biodynamic farms and products. Part of the global organization Demeter International, Demeter Biodynamic is the first and only certifier for Biodynamic® Farm and Processing Standards agriculture in the United States.

The Farm Standard originated in the first stages of the modern sustainable farming movement, capturing fundamental agronomic principles. Sections include all required elements of sustainable farming, such as soil fertility management, crop protection, greenhouse management, animal welfare and the use of preparations. They also stress the importance of biodiversity on farm landscapes, requiring a minimum of 10% of total farm acreage to be set aside for biodiversity. The company boasts a strict assessment program, meticulously checking a farm’s imported fertilizers, water conservation tactics, biodiversity efforts, weed and pest control techniques, and solutions for potential on-farm diseases before deciding whether to award a certification.

Demeter Biodynamic strives to heal and benefit the planet and its people through sustainable agriculture, encouraging modern-day farmers to utilize biodynamic principles and practices to farm successfully and safely.


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