ensures that no animals were harmed throughout the entire production process of the item. Cruelty-free products have a zero tolerance policy for animal testing and experimentations, whether this refers to testing the final product or testing the ingredients utilized throughout the production process. 

Cruelty-free products prioritize the wellbeing and health of animals, ensuring their safety if they are to be used in any way during operations. But, by definition, a product labeled as cruelty-free does not guarantee the product to be completely vegan. The term, ‘cruelty-free’ only confirms that the production process employed behind the specific commercial item is a safe and ethical environment for the animals that are being used, if they are being used. Cruelty-free products and brands also indirectly support a couple of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including objectives such as Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production and Goal #15: Life on Land. Engaging in conscious consumerism through purchasing cruelty-free products is a sure way to contribute to the larger picture of sustainability in the long run.  

If a customer is shopping for products with zero animal ingredients, it is better to consider brands or companies that have trustworthy third party ‘vegan’ certifications rather than simply ‘cruelty-free’ certifications. And once again, if a company fails to present proper, concrete evidence of cruelty-free practices within their operations, the brand lacks transparency and honesty, and should be steered clear of when shopping through a sustainable and ethical lens. 

LEARN MORE: PETA’s Guide to Cruelty-Free Consumerism

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