Champions of the Earth – UN Environment Programme Logo

is the United Nation’s highest environmental honor. Every year since 2005, the UN Environmental Program celebrates individuals, groups and institutions whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment. From corporate leaders to political pioneers to grassroots trailblazers, Champions of the Earth come from all industries. Champions of the Earth are recognized in five categories: lifetime achievement, policy leadership, inspiration and action, entrepreneurial vision, and science and innovation.


The Lifetime Achievement Award is selected by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program. Laureates in this award have dedicated decades of determined action towards benefiting the planet and the people and animals who inhabit it.


The Policy Leadership Award is given to individuals or organizations who work in the public sector. Their work and leadership in environmental action has brought profound environmental change either to their country or to the global community. Winners of this award are nominated publicly and then selected by a global jury.


The Inspiration and Action Award recognizes transformational leaders who inspire and ignite others to take action to protect our environment. These champions take bold action and lead by example. Winners of this award are nominated publicly and then selected by a global jury.


The Science and Innovation Award celebrates individuals and organizations who push the bounds of human knowledge for the benefit of the environment. Their groundbreaking innovation in technology and science and their positive environmental impacts truly set them apart. Winners of this award are nominated publicly and then selected by a global jury.


The Entrepreneurial Vision Award praises those who are not afraid to challenge the status quo, build new systems, and innovate for the benefit of the environment. These laureates demonstrate that environmental sustainability and financial success are not mutually exclusive. Winners of this award are nominated publicly and then selected by a global jury.


Champions of the Earth inspire, defend, mobilize and act to tackle the greatest environmental challenges of our time.


LEARN MORE:  Champions of the Earth – UN Environment Programme




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