Carbon Neutral Certified Logo

certifications demonstrate that a product or company is committed to decarbonisation and reducing carbon emissions. Carbon Trust motivates organizations to reach a carbon neutral footprint across all production means. This means that the total sum of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by that product or company can be completely offset either by natural upstream carbon sinks or by carbon credits from the government.

Businesses and products that have obtained the Carbon Neutral certification from Carbon Trust are all guaranteed to practice production and guidelines that are aligned with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Being certified indicates that the business or commercial good also contributes to global decarbonization efforts, both through offsetting their own carbon impacts and also through supporting other environmental projects or charities. Verified products must demonstrate annual reduction in emissions and the company must purchase high-quality carbon offsets to cover residual emissions.

There are three main steps for organizations to achieve verification. Firstly, companies must measure and verify the carbon footprint within clearly defined boundaries. Secondly, companies are required to develop a qualifying explanatory statement of commitment, achievement, management, and investments. Next, they must purchase high quality offsets to compensate for all remaining emissions. Finally, companies must demonstrate annual reductions.


LEARN MORE: Carbon Neutral Certification


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